Jan 27, 2019

Great, reflective short film about the Cumbres & Toltec

Check it out.  And, there's a little RGS in Telluride.


Jan 12, 2019

Goose is running Feb!

Thought I'd share a post from the Galloping Goose org, on #5's upcoming schedule.  See the links & details on their site for details.

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Drop what you're doing and hop in the Goose!

RGS Goose #5 Preliminary Schedule February 2019

This information is tentative and is subject to change. Schedule is final only when D&SNG posts the excursions on their website and begins to sell tickets. 

See Schedule below:
This information is tentative and is subject to change.  Schedule is final only when the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad (D&SNG) posts the excursions on their website and begins to sell tickets. (I suggest you look for the Cascade Runs and Photographer's Train under "Events".) We will post a direct link to ticketing on the Gallopinggoose5.org website and our Facebook page as soon as a specific link to D&SNG ticketing is available.
Durango and Silverton Train:
Reservations: (970) 247-2733
General Information: (970) 247-2733
Toll Free: (877) 872-4607
Please consider the 2/22 & 2/23 excursions. These will be a less-expensive "non-railfan" friendly way to ride RGS Goose No. 5.  It is a unique way to enjoy winter railroading in the San Juan Mountains.  Lack of snow is of no concern this year..

We will update our website and Facebook page as the links become available to the D&SNG ticketing website.
Thank you.
Your Goose Crew.
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