May 2, 2005
The weekend ended up being very busy, so not much done on the layout. With basic framing done for everything except Telluride (and that'll wait until, since I need the space to cut plywood), I thought I'd start on joists and sub-roadbed support. I got a little of that done in the Lizard Head corner, adding some support for the holes coming thru from the laundry room, and starting to think about the complex 3-level trackage in that area. No photos this time. The crazy link behind the furnance is going to wait until I get more experience with the simpler roadbed. Another milestone... actual track-layout supplies are in the basement! I had to spend some time at Mom's this weekend, and while there I dug around the old layout and found a couple cases of cork I'd forgotten about, and a few lengths of leftover code 100 flex, and other tracklaying supplies, and brought all those home.