Starting another mountain area... this is a steep switchback (the old Enterprise branch). The main line here is curving below, and eventually entering a hidden area. Above, the switchback leaves Rico and leads first to the Blackhawk mine, then continues climbing & reversing to reach the Enterprise mine.
Yeah yeah... I know... this branch was long gone by the time period I'm modeling, but switchbacks are really cool, both visually and for operations, and provides a great operational focus out of Rico that doesn't interfere w/ the main line.
There's an access hold in the middle of this (since that's a 30" radius curve on the main, making this scene almost 6' deep). I plan to create the scenery to both break up the switchback visually, and hide the access hold from normal viewing angles.
There's a river running to the left of the mainline, which is already partially covered in plaster cloth (hard to see in these shots). First step for the rest is some lumber framing to support the cardboard web.
These photos show where I'm starting from.