Dec 27, 2005
Dec 5, 2005
It's been busy around our house lately, so again not much progress. The lower return loop under Ophir is done now (sub-roadbed only), and joists are added from Ophir to Vance Jct. I've also been working on the upper deck for Rico, which is now complete (but not anchored until the track below is installed and tested). And, I've also been installing fabric skirting with clothespin anchors (glued to the benchwork) and landscape fabric - an idea mentioned by David Zuhn and published in Oct 05 Model Railroader (I think it was the Oct issue). The fabric I used was 4' x 80', cost about $9 at Home Depot, and came in a cellophane-wrapped roll. It's black, somewhat feathery in appearance and about 90% opaque, and melts rather than burns if tested w/flames. It works great, and is fast and cheap, and really dresses up the area by hiding all the junk under the layout.
Oct 31, 2005
Pretty good progress this past couple of weeks - the grade for the switch lead out of Durango is done to a point above Wildcat Canyon, and the hidden grade diretly under it is done to that point as well. Work is progressing on the townsite for Hesperus and the curvy roadbed in Wildcat Canyon. This has been a slow area to get thru, because I've been building lots of 1x2 u-shaped supports, to hold the switch lead above while making a bit of a tunnel for the hidden track below. The benchwork is quite narrow at this point, and there's not much room for the upper track supports.
Oct 10, 2005
Sep 26, 2005
Sep 12, 2005
Aug 29, 2005
Aug 8, 2005
Working on the grade for the Enterprise branch - the supports from Rico to the Blackhawk mine area, or the first leg of the switchback, are complete. With Blackhawk's track near by chin, the twisting, turning route from there up to the Enterprise should be pretty neat, and should 'feel' pretty high, about eye level.
Aug 2, 2005
Jul 18, 2005
Tough to be inside when the weather is so nice, but it was hot lately and the basement was the coolest room... Built a number of shelves under the layout for storage, rebuilt some cabinets for household storage, and then went back to working on roadbed for the return loop under the Enterprise branch.
Jun 27, 2005
The picture here is the grade from Lizard Head descending into Rico, with the line from Dolores appraching the grade under Rico.
Jun 20, 2005
Jun 6, 2005
May 31, 2005
May 23, 2005
May 2, 2005
The weekend ended up being very busy, so not much done on the layout. With basic framing done for everything except Telluride (and that'll wait until, since I need the space to cut plywood), I thought I'd start on joists and sub-roadbed support. I got a little of that done in the Lizard Head corner, adding some support for the holes coming thru from the laundry room, and starting to think about the complex 3-level trackage in that area. No photos this time. The crazy link behind the furnance is going to wait until I get more experience with the simpler roadbed. Another milestone... actual track-layout supplies are in the basement! I had to spend some time at Mom's this weekend, and while there I dug around the old layout and found a couple cases of cork I'd forgotten about, and a few lengths of leftover code 100 flex, and other tracklaying supplies, and brought all those home.
Apr 25, 2005
And a closeup from the laundry room into the bathroom.
Getting the line behind the water-heater and the furnance is going to be quite a trick... I'm still not sure how to do it. That section will need tracks on two levels, and slight curves in the most inaccesible spots (see the track plan). Luckily my kids are still small enough to fit back there - just gotta teach them some additional construction skills. Perhaps I can build the unit as a couple a bridges, and just slide them in there.
Apr 19, 2005
Apr 11, 2005
Apr 4, 2005
I invited an artist friend over this weekend, to exploring commisioning her to paint some of the backdrops for the layout. We agreed, tentatively, to have her paint the mountains behind Durango and (perhaps) some of the area behind the Durango yards. Should be interesting.... Lights are now working over the Ridgway area, so I should be able to continue with benchwork in that area soon.
Mar 28, 2005
Here's a shot of the area before benchwork began (but after cleaning!).
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